Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Instant Gratification?

We live in a world full of the here and now; a world of instant gratification.We have instant oatmeal made in our instant microwaves. We have 24 hour drive-through fast food chains, drive-through coffee, and even drive-through dry cleaners! If we cannot have it "right now" we are not satisfied. We have even come so far as to want instant relationships, whether it be a friend or a significant other. But unfortunately that is not the reality of things. It takes work, everything takes work. And in my opinion the more work it takes, the more gratifying the out come.

Now here comes the part we all do not want to hear....weight-loss is NOT an instant, over-night thing! Weight-loss takes WORK and DEDICATION! We did not gain our unwanted pounds over-night. So therefore we cannot expect to LOSE those unwanted pounds over-night.

Unfortunately our views are tainted by the world we live in, and we honestly expect instant results; whether it be from a pill, a diet or a surgery. I will be the first to admit that I have been there too. I have expected to wake up one morning and be thin. I have even gone as far as praying that God would instantly make me drop 50 pounds! It just does not work that way.

Just like with learning a new language or mastering a skill, weight-loss takes work, dedication and PRACTICE! We cannot expect to be perfect right away at controlling our eating binges when it's something we have struggled with our whole lives. We cannot expect to have a grip on our trigger foods right away when we have tripped over them a thousand and one times. No, we have to get back up, dust ourselves off, and move on.

A very dear friend and mentor always says, "Hit the delete button and move on". It's true, erase it and get past it. If we continue to hold on to our mistakes, we will continue to fail. But because we expect to fail, not because we are destined to fail. We have become so consumed in the here and now that we cannot look past our mistakes, we cannot learn from our mess-up's. But its when we do, and only then, can we finally achieve our ultimate goals, no matter what they be.

So stop looking at each mistake as a failure, but look at it as an opportunity to grow. As something to help you along the journey you are on. Because whether it's negative or positive, how you react determines the ultimate outcome.


  1. I love it, so true, so you are losing pounds and gaining much wisdom. I hope its okay to say I am very proud of you – and still very much inspired keep up the hard work. Sending you big hugs and kisses- Thank you for the early Moring smile- this blog spoke volumes to me.
    Ms Anita

  2. Thank you for posting this so long ago. And thank you for being proud! :)
