Thursday, November 4, 2010


At the start of my weight loss journey I was weak, obese and held a poor, skewed vision of who I was. Now, only nine months later, I have lost 66 pounds and have gained so much more. With only a little over 30 pounds to lose, I am well on my way to achieving my weight loss goal. As well as becoming a more confident, healthier version of me.

As I retrace the steps of my weight loss journey, one major change that has occurred is my belief in myself. The belief that not only can I lose the weight that has for so long hindered me, but the belief that I am worth making the change. And once that far off dream became a reality I became a passionate fighter, determined to conquer anything that stood in the way of obtaining the ultimate goal; change.

Change that for many years had been knocking at my door, but I had shunned. Change that would make me a stronger woman. Change that would not only affect me and my own world, but a change that would inspire many in the world around me.

Joining Weight Watchers ® was not an attempt to put a band-aide over what was broken, but an opportunity to heal what had been shattered for so long. An opportunity that has led to many seemingly small changes that have led to one major difference. An opportunity to regain control of my destiny.


  1. I loved going through your blogs, I have been in the same exact boat in my life and WW has def. been my life raft the last couple of years. Your an inspiration, and after checking this out I feel like I need to get back off my butt and keep going as well. Thanks!

  2. :) Well I'm so glad to hear it! Thanks for the add and thank you for going through my posts. If even I can help one person I will have fufilled the purpose of this blog!

    Keeping going strong girl and never, never, never give up! :D

  3. I just so love your Blogs - you are an inspriation !!!! to me and I know others
    Thank you
    Ms A
